The Single Leg Glute Bridge

Purpose/ Benefits

Also Known As: Unilateral bridge, single leg glute bridge

Targets: Glutes and hamstrings

Benefits of the Single Leg Bridge

This exercise targets the hip extensors. This includes the three gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus) and the hamstrings. Do it correctly and you'll even find that it is a powerful core strengthener.

Other Variations (Bridge March)

The bridge march is a variation that starts as a two-leg bridge and ends with one leg supporting your lower body weight. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and arms folded across your chest. Your toes are slightly off the floor, placing the weight on your heels.

Next, raise your hips until your shoulders and knees are in a straight line. Lift the right leg until the lower leg is parallel to the floor. Hold for a count of one, then return the right foot to the floor. Keeping the hips raised, lift the left leg. Alternate legs for the remainder of the exercise.

Execution and how to perform this exercise:

Perform single-leg glute bridges by lying on your back with your palms face-down by your side. Extend one leg, squeeze your glutes, and push into your other leg. While keeping your upper back in contact with the floor, lift your hips until your extended leg forms a straight line with your back

*do for 3-4 sets of 8-12


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