Dr. Scott Mills
Chiropractic: San Francisco
Dr. Scott Mills is a sports chiropractor with a Masters degree in Exercise Science and 20+ years of helping athletes of all levels.
Dr. Zach Brantner
SF Custom Chiropractic
Chiropractic: San Francisco
Seeking specialized chiropractic care tailored to sports injuries, especially for golfers?
Assisted Stretching: San Francisco
StretchLab Union Street is a one-on-one assisted stretching studio.
Golf Globally, LLC.
Recruiting: Nation Wide
We help find athletic opportunities at the college level for domestic and international student-athletes.
Pat Steffes
Swing Coach: San Francisco
Non-member instruction with Pat Steffes is available (as schedule allows) at Lake Merced Golf Club for $175 per hour.
Golf Clubs
Berkeley Country club
Country Club: Berkeley
Located in the Berkeley Hills above the community of El Cerrito, California.