Kettlebell Swing


The kettlebell swing is an exercise that targets various muscles in the upper and lower body, which is why people consider it to be a full body workout. This exercise offers versatility as it can be altered to focus specifically on the lower body and also only requires a kettlebell. Another benefit of this exercise is that it can strengthen the back muscles, which is important for individuals who want to improve their posture. While this exercise may appear simple to perform, it is best for individuals who have a strong understanding of the hinging movement. 

Execution and how to perform this exercise:

  1. Before beginning this exercise, practice hinging

    1. This consists of:

    2. A slight bend in the knees

    3. Pushing the hips back 

      1. Imagine trying to close a drawer with the buttocks 

    4. This movement will be replicated in this exercise 

  2. To set up for this exercise:

    1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart

    2. Hold the kettlebell with both hands

      1. Maintain shoulders away from ears 

    3. Brace the core 

  3. Now, maintain slight knee bend and push the hips back 

    1. Avoid bending the knees excessively as this will engage the front of the thighs more 

  4. Squeeze the glutes and extend the hips forward

    1. Allow the kettlebell to come forward 

    2. Aim is for kettlebell to reach shoulder height or parallel to the ground 

    3. Avoid lifting the kettlebell with the arms

      1. Hands should be considered hooks that guide the direction of the weight 

  5. Steps 3 and 4 mark one repetition

  6. Perform 12 to 15 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets


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