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Februray PRs! (Marina Only)

  • Perform For Golf - Marina 2598 Lombard Street San Francisco, CA, 94123 United States (map)

Get pumped and show off your progress at Perform For Golf’s PR Days - a new, monthly event dedicated for our members to reach personal records and meet fellow athletes.

Ready to challenge yourself?

This event is open to Marina Perform For Golf members. Marina coaches will be on-site for the duration of the event for dynamic warm-up guidance. Meet us at our Marina gym on the last Friday of each month, from 12pm-2pm. 

Shatter your personal record in one, two, or three of the following exercises:

  • Bench Press

  • TB Deadlift

  • Broad Jump

  • Vertical Jump

  • Back Squat

  • Dead Hang Time

  • Proteus Score

  • Swing Speed

  • & Driver Total Distance

“No matter how good you are, you can always get better, and that’s the exciting part.” - Tiger Woods


Who: All Perform For Golf members of Marina
What: A dedicated time for members to choose up to 3 of the 9 movements to PR. This is a chance for athletes to perform with others and hit any goals they have. Possible movements include: Proteus Score, Dead Hang Time, Driver Total Distance, Club Head Speed, Vertical Jump, TB Deadlift, Back Squat, Bench Press, & Broad Jump.
When: Last Friday of every month, 12pm-2pm
Where: Marina - 2598 Lombard St., San Francisco, CA 94123
Why: Improve results, reach your goals, keep track of progress, and meet the P4G community!

January 31

New Year, New PRs! (Marina Members)

March 28

March PRs! (Marina Only)