Enhancing Golf Performance with Perform for Golf and Sportsbox.AI

Perform for Golf (P4G) uses cutting-edge technology, including Sportsbox.AI, to enhance golf performance by providing detailed analysis and targeted feedback on swing faults. By integrating Sportsbox.AI’s capabilities with their specialized approach, P4G ensures precise assessments and improvements in golf techniques.

TPI Physical Screens and Sportsbox.AI Integration

P4G starts the process with comprehensive physical screenings from the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), which include:

  • Pelvic Tilt Test: Evaluates pelvic control, which is essential for stability during the swing.

  • Pelvic Rotation Test: Assesses the ability to rotate the pelvis independently, which is crucial for optimal swing mechanics.

  • Torso Rotation Test: This test measures upper body mobility in relation to the lower body, which is important for a smooth swing.

  • Overhead Deep Squat Test: Examines overall movement patterns and core strength, both key for a powerful swing.

  • Toe Touch Test: Measures flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back.

Personalized Exercise Plans

Based on the TPI assessments and insights from Sportsbox.AI, P4G designs personalized exercise plans targeting specific physical limitations:

  • Pelvic Tilt Issues: Includes Cat-Camel stretches, pelvic tilt drills, and core strengthening exercises.

  • Pelvic Rotation Limitations: Features seated rotations, hip flexor stretches, and thoracic rotations.

  • Torso Rotation Deficiencies: Comprises thoracic spine rotations, medicine ball throws, and core stability drills.

  • Overhead Deep Squat Challenges: Incorporates goblet squats, ankle mobility drills, and thoracic extensions.

  • Toe Touch Test Limitations: Suggests hamstring stretches, forward bends, and foam rolling.

Sportsbox.AI for Enhanced Feedback and Improvement

Sportsbox.AI plays a crucial role by identifying and analyzing common swing faults, providing:

  • Slide: Detects lateral body movements and offers drills to improve stability.

  • Early Extension: Assesses posture and recommends exercises to maintain proper alignment during the swing.

  • Over-the-Top: Analyzes swing path deviations and suggests corrective drills.

Integration for Performance Optimization

By combining TPI’s physical assessments with the advanced analytics from Sportsbox.AI, P4G provides actionable insights that help golfers refine their technique effectively. This integration improves swing mechanics and minimizes injury risks, ensuring golfers achieve optimal performance and enjoyment on the course.

P4G’s dedication to using Sportsbox.AI underscores its commitment to personalized coaching and continuous improvement in golf performance.


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