Barbell Hip Thrust
The barbell hip thrust is an exercise that targets major muscle groups like the hamstrings and glutes, commonly referred to as the buttocks and the back of the thighs. This exercise is beneficial for individuals who understand hinging movements and would like to grow their posterior chain. Although this exercise requires more preparation, it has a higher capacity to be overloaded which will produce greater results.
Execution and how to perform this exercise:
Begin by setting an appropriate weight on either sides of the barbell
Rest the bottom of the shoulder blades on a stable surface
Preferably a bench or an 18 inch box
Tuck the chin towards the chest and focus on one point
Bring barbell until it is right underneath the hips
Bring feet in until legs are at 45 degrees
Rest elbows on the stable surface
Exhale to lower the ribcage and tuck the hips in
Lift the hips off the ground until they fully extend
Ensure that legs make a 90 degree angle
For a standard hip thrust, lower the bar until the weights touch the ground before extending the hips again
Perform 10 to 12 repetitions of two to three sets