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The Best Medicine Ball Golf Exercises

A golf swing is a complex motion that takes time and practice to perfect. Adding medicine ball golf exercises to your routine can help improve your swing and overall performance on the green.

the Benefits of Golf Medicine Ball Exercises

Golfers have long known that improving their golf swing is a matter of fine-tuning their muscles and perfecting their technique. But many don't know that adding medicine ball exercises to their routine can also help improve their game.

Medicine ball exercises are a great way to improve your golf swing because they help you develop strength, power, and stability in your core muscles. The core muscles are responsible for generating the energy needed to drive the ball down the fairway, and strengthening them will help you hit the ball further and more accurately.

In addition, medicine ball exercises help improve your balance and coordination, which are also essential factors in achieving a good golf swing. Adding some medicine ball exercises to your workout routine can dramatically improve your golf game.

The Different Types of Golf Medicine Ball Exercises

Downswing Slam

  • Adjust your stance as if you were going to hit a 5-iron

  • Allow your hands to comfortably hang while holding the ball in front of you (like you would a club)

  • Move through your normal backswing with the ball in hand

  • As you come through to your downswing, begin to pivot at your hips, load your lead foot, and slam the ball just outside of your rear foot

Squat Throw

  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Drop down into a half-squat with the ball between your legs

  • As you powerfully come up from your squat, throw the ball as high as you can while keeping your toes in contact with the ground

  • We want triple extension through the hip, knee, and ankle joints - but also to be connected to the ground

Rotational Wall Throw

  • Adjust your stance as if you were going to hit a 5-iron

  • Allow your hands to comfortably hang while holding the ball in front of you (like you would a club)

  • Move through your normal backswing with the ball-in-hand

  • As you come through to your downswing, begin to pivot at your hips, load your lead foot, and slam the ball against the wall in a flat motion

    • Visualize that you are trying to throw the ball through the wall as you follow through and release the ball

Upward Rotational Wall Throw

  • Adjust your stance as if you were going to hit a 5-iron

  • Allow your hands to comfortably hang while holding the ball in front of you (like you would a club)

  • Move through your normal backswing with the ball-in-hand

  • As you come through to your downswing, begin to pivot at your hips, load your lead foot, and slam the ball against the wall in an upward motion

    • Visualize that you are trying to throw the ball through the wall as you follow through and release the ball


Golf medicine ball exercises are a great way to improve your golf game. They are challenging, and they can be fun to do.

If you're serious about golf, you must train with the best. At our San Francisco golf training gym, we offer a comprehensive approach to improving your game. Our experienced coaches will help you build strength, improve flexibility and stability, and hone your skills. 

Our comfortable and supportive environment will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Click here to book an assessment today and start playing better golf tomorrow!